How a Tallymade Survey Installation Boosts Community Engagement

Community engagement is more than just a buzzword; it’s the heartbeat that keeps a neighborhood thriving and people feeling connected. It’s like an invisible thread that weaves itself throughout the area and connects everyone. In essence, community engagement strengthens community bonds.

So, how do you encourage community engagement, especially when it involves projects or plans that will have a direct and noticeable impact on an area? Digital surveys, door-to-door solicitation, and phone campaigns are all viable options, but they often fall short of igniting the spark of genuine involvement and constructive feedback.

This is where a Tallymade survey installation comes in. Here’s how a Tallymade survey installation can boost community engagement.

A permanent place to capture local insights and opinions

How often do community meetings take place in your area? Once a month? Maybe once a quarter? For some communities, the opportunity to voice opinions and share feedback are extremely limited. Especially if you have to travel to a central location at a specific location, leaving many voices and opinions unheard.

Imagine having a constant and accessible platform where community members can express their thoughts without waiting for the next community meeting or navigating a complex bureaucratic process. Situating a Tallymade survey installation in a high traffic area in the community like the local grocery store, town square, or community center invites residents to share their opinions as they go about their daily routine. This accessibility ensures that you’re not just limiting community feedback to those who can attend meetings.

It’s a way to tap into the pulse of the community by directly inserting a platform for local insights. You can use it to get feedback on proposed changes or projects in the area, gather feedback for an upcoming event, or for routine check-ins.

Strengthen dialogue and inclusivity

Let’s face it: many community decisions rest in the hands of a few individuals. If communication goes out to the community, it’s oftentimes in the form of emails, social media outreach, or text messages. However, most of these communications are a one way street that don’t open the door for open dialogue and only serve to tell the community what the plans are and not invite discussion.

Even more so, a significant proportion of the population are not tech-savvy or lack access to the online resources needed to contribute to the discussion. Diversity of opinions and perspectives strengthens the outcome of a project, and missing an opportunity to hear these voices can leave a significant void in the success of a community project.

Tallymade installations encourage inclusivity and dialogue by finding a place directly in the community where anyone and everyone can share feedback or an opinion. They provide a space for members to contribute, regardless of background.

Drive collaborative decision making action

Communities are built on collaboration. Whether it’s a new project, redesigning existing infrastructure, or planning an event that brings neighbors together, the power of collective decision-making drives progress in a community. This collaborative spirit not only fosters a sense of ownership in the community, but also ensures that the needs and desires of everyone are taken into consideration.

With Tallymade, collaborative decision making is made simple and fun. Imagine you’re part of a neighborhood that’s looking to create a new community space. Instead of relying solely on a small group of decision-makers, you can engage the entire community in the process. By setting up a survey installation in a central location, you open the door for every resident to share their ideas and preferences.

For example, if a local park is building a new disc golf course and wants ideas for where to place the various holes, Tallymade can create a map of the park and let users drag and drop pin placements. Not only can you get new and creative ideas from the survey, but you can also delight residents whose ideas were incorporated into the project. The data collected can serve as a roadmap for creating projects that truly resonate within the community.

The opportunities are endless and Tallymade will work with you to bring your project and goals to reality.

Empowering communities through engagement

The essence of community lies in empowerment - the feeling that individuals have a stake in their community growth. By giving a platform to everyone in the community to share opinions, provide feedback, and let their voices be heard you create stronger communities. That’s why Tallymade survey installations amplify community engagement by fostering connections, capturing feedback, and driving collaborative action.

Ready to get started? Drop a line below and let’s see how we can help guide your project through community engagement.


10 Best Practices for Creating a Top-Tier Survey 


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